Quick Start Guide


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Get a "Grown-Up" email service. You will want to receive email from Your mentors, coaches, and clients.
Services like AOL, who think You need to be shielded from dangerous words like "free", are not appropriate
for modern business communication*. See http://gmail.com for free, reliable, serious email service.
DO NOT join email blockers such as boxbe! They promise to get Your inbox under control - and they will.
You will not receive email from Your prospects, clients, mentors, or customers unless they join the program
If You want to do business on the internet, do not make it hard for folks to reach You.
Besides, why spend Your valuable time building someone else's list?

*Editorial opinion.
Get an UNLIMITED domestic and/or international calling plan. Shop and compare your service provider, Google Voice, Vonage, SkypeOut, etc. You will be attending training conference calls, calling your sponsor/coach, calling your clients, and building relationships with friends all over the country and the world.
Start to advertise Success In Ten Steps (STS). Use ONE method for now - one you are familiar with (the way you probably found STS). See The 8 Ways to Get Traffic.

Once You are up and running,
proceed with the
to ensure You have everything
in place for recurring success!

The Checklist may take days or weeks to complete
(depending on your available time),
but it will increase Your capacity for
growth into leadership to Own Your Life
and help others Own Theirs.

Next - Checklist