Email Template For New Client
(Email #1)

As soon as You are first notified You have a new client,
then send them this email.
Be sure to edit the stuff in [brackets]
and send it from Your personal email client
(not from the MFF System Email).


Subject Line:
Hi [Name], [Your Name] here (not my auto-responder)

Hello Again [Name]!

CONGRATULATIONS on down-loading your F-R-E-E
"Suc-cess In Ten Steps" e-book from my web-site:

[Your e-book link]

That could turn out to be the most valuable, rewarding,
and profitable thing you've ever done in your life!

Were you able to access and save the book okay?

Have a chance to read the whole thing yet?

My good friend and personal Mentor - Michael Dlouhy -
is the author of that book and a true "Super Star"
in this industry.

If You are trying to create additional income from home
or improve results with an existing bus1ness, reading
that book can literally Save You Years of Frustration
and Failure!

I found out (as have many others) that my previous lack
of Real Suc-cess in this Industry was NOT my fault, and
to have Real Suc-cess I did NOT need to change, make a
List of my Friends and Family, or buy clients and make
"cold calls!"

What a relief!

But I did learn (as with anything else in life) there
are some Basic KNOWLEDGE and Simple SKILLS necessary to
achieve Above-Average Suc-cess.

We'll be happy to provide that education to you - for

After You finish reading the e-book I can send You
some Important Special Skills videos to Watch.

They will answer most of Your questions regarding Why
You (or others you know) may not have YET had the level
of Suc-cess you Desire and Deserve, and Why... it is NOT
Your fault!

Once you finish reading the book and Watching the
Special Skills videos, I would love to meet you in
person on the phone, and/or set up a PERSONAL one-on-
one Coaching call with You and Michael Dlouhy.

With amazing insights and knowledge he's developed by
helping people for over 28 years, he will answer ALL
Your Questions, so You too can achieve YOUR dreams.

If you have any doubts about this - we can prove that
any Lack of Suc-cess so far - is almost certainly

The solution starts with 2 Simple Steps:

1) Read the e-book, then
2) Watch the Skills videos.

Please make a note to yourself and ask me
for the Skills Calls when you are ready.

What's "the catch?"

Here it is:

YOU have to do those two simple things yourself.
Nobody else can do them for you. Fair enough?

Ultimate Suc-cess Starts with Your BELIEF that,
You DESERVE Suc-cess in Your life!
I already know you do. :-)

Do You BELIEVE it?

And please remember this...

This process of Learning and Personal Development

Again, CONGRATULATIONS on taking this Important first
step toward Your Ultimate & Amazing Lifelong Suc-cess.

My TEAM and I are here to HELP YOU any way we can,
every step of the way.

Wishing YOU All the Best!


[Your Name
and Contact Info]